(My English is poor, if you think anything is wrong, please email me.)
(If you do not understand anything, please email me, I will change it.)
I use Fedora Standard to re-created a new iceplayer mirror. (In official document, called "repo."(I forgot how to spell it...))
So the way for using iceplayer RPMs has been changed. If you are using old repo, you should run the commands below to delete old repo before you use new repo.
# must to switch to root su - rpm -e iceplayer #remove iceplayer of your machine cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ curl -O http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/zhtx/iceplayer/fedora-iceplayer.repo yum makecache yum install iceplayer exit
In addition, ekd123.fedorapeople.org and zhtx.repo should not to use.
There is the way for install new .repo file.
su - cd /etc/yum.repos.d rm zhtx.repo rpm -e iceplayer exit
By the way,
By default, I have supported the latest two or three Fedora releases directly (if the latest release is 16, I will support fedora [14]/15/16).
如果你用的是此外的发行版(如openSuSE/CentOS/RHEL)或此外的版本(如你还在使用Fedora 8),你可以直接下载rpm,或者修改repo(把里面的$releasever改成你的版本号,如14。用cat /etc/fedora-release可以获得)。
If you are using other distor(such as openSuSE/CentOS/RHEL) or other releases(like Fedora 8), you can download rpm from the repo site directly, or edit repo file (modify $releasever to your edition number, like 14, in that. using cat /etc/fedora-release you can get the edition number).